Biblical Education & Leadership Training (BELT)

The vision of BELT is to see people transformed by the Word of God by focusing on training community and church leaders who already have a sphere of influence in their society.

BELT’s main tool presently is a series of three intensive Bible seminars called the Transformation Series. The goals for all three courses are to:

  • Multiply leaders who know God and His ways and are able to teach others
  • Equip men and women who can reason from the Scriptures to all areas of
  • Build unity between church


The Level One Seminar, Transformation of the Heart, focuses on the Gospel message with an emphasis on repentance and reconciliation to the purposes of God.

The Level Two Seminar, Transformation of Character, deals with Christian life matters of spiritual victory, relationships, prayer, stewardship, and leadership.

The Level Three Seminar,Transformation of Society, examines Biblical principles for societal institutions beginning with the individual, family, church and extending to education, civil government and economics.

The BELT seminars are conducted to make the teachings as culturally relevant as possible so as to meet the felt needs of the people. The New Testament or whole Bible should be available in the local language for use during the course. Translated course outlines are given to the participants at each session.

Practical application of the material taught and outreach opportunities are fundamental aspects of the course.

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